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The Importance Of Pillow Support For Your Neck And Spine

Best pillow for neck and spine support

Sleep quality affects overall health and well-being. And while we pay a lot of attention to every detail about our mattresses, from firmness to material, we often ignore the effects of pillows for neck and spine support.

If you’ve ever woken up with a stiff neck or back pain, it might be time to look into the best pillow for neck and spine support. Remember — what is ideal for your body, sleeping style and preferences is not necessarily the perfect choice for another. So in this blog post, we’ll look into the importance of pillows for neck and spine support and give helpful tips on finding the perfect choice for you.

Why pillows for neck and spine support matter for your health

Contrary to a postural cue we heard as children or in yoga classes, it’s impossible for us to “stand straight”. The neck and the spine have a natural curve that helps evenly distribute the weight of the head and body. Otherwise, humans will be tipping forward or backward. 

Maintaining spinal alignment is essential in both upright and supine positions. If you care about your posture when you stand or sit, also consider if you get enough support when lying down. Without suitable pillows for neck support, you might suffer from neck stiffness that just won’t go away. Similarly, inadequate support for your back can lead to chronic muscle discomfort and pain. It can also worsen sleep apnoea and cause headaches and sleep deprivation.

The best pillows are, therefore, those that keep the head, neck, shoulders and back in alignment. They help reduce pressure on the spine and promote better blood circulation. With the right pillows for neck and spine support, you can maintain spinal alignment, avoid nagging pains and enjoy more restorative sleep. 

4 factors to consider when choosing the best pillow for neck and spine support

Now that you know the importance of pillows for neck and spine support, we want to help you select the right one. Here are some essential factors you should look for when pillow shopping:

  • Pillow fillings Pillow fillings or materials determine the level of support and comfort it offers. There are several types of fillings for pillows for neck and spine support, but these are the most common:
    • Memory Foam — Known for its ability to conform to the sleeper’s body, Memory Foam provides personalised neck and spine support for any sleeping position. The material reacts to body heat to mould around the contours of your body as you lie on it, helping to alleviate pressure points and promote spinal alignment. 
    • Latex — Latex pillows are known for their responsiveness and durability. They offer similar support as memory foam but with a more buoyant feel, so they are suitable for heavier individuals and side and back sleepers. Additionally, they are naturally hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites, making them an ideal option for allergy sufferers.
    • Down — If you’re looking for hotel-like quality pillows for neck and spine support, opt for the comfort of down and feather pillows. The softness makes way for a lot of sinkage, suitable for individuals with a lighter frame and stomach sleepers.
  • Pillow style — The style and contouring of pillows can impact your comfort through the night. Classic pillows, such as latex and down, are versatile and cater to various sleeping positions. However, contoured designs have specific curves and are ideal pillows for neck support. If you’re a side sleeper, you can flip the pillows to lie on the thicker side. This closes the gap between your neck and the mattress, preventing neck stiffness and shoulder discomfort.

  • Firmness — The pillow’s firmness should align with your sleeping position and personal preferences. Like mattresses, you can select pillows for neck and spine support based on their firmness level: 
    • Soft to medium-soft pillows — They are designed to provide a plush and cushioned feel, gently cradling your head and neck. They are suitable for stomach sleepers, combination sleepers and individuals with a lighter frame, including children.
    • Medium-firm pillows — Medium-firm pillows strike a balance between softness and support. They offer enough contouring to align the head and neck while providing sufficient buoyancy. If you’re a back sleeper, combination sleeper or suffering from mild neck pain, these pillows can deliver the relief you need.
    • Firm to extra firm pillows — Firm to extra firm pillows provide the most support for side sleepers, combination sleepers, heavier individuals and those with severe neck conditions. The substantial resistance prevents the head from sinking too deeply into the pillow, maintaining optimal spinal alignment.
  • Pillow size — To maximise your pillow for neck and spine support, choose a size that suits you best. The pillow’s height should keep your head and neck aligned with your spine, not tilting too far forward or backward. Test different pillow heights and shapes to find the right pillow for your needs.

  • Your sleeping position, preferences, body size and existing conditions may affect the pillow support you need. To select the best pillow for neck and spine support, consider the pillow fillings, style, firmness and size. Choosing the right pillow may involve some trial and error, but trust us — your spinal health and overall well-being will thank you.

    Discover the best pillow for neck and spine support at Dentons

    For the ultimate neck and spine support during sleep, explore the range of pillows we offer at Dentons. With a reputation for quality therapeutic pillows, we have been recommended by chiropractors and physiotherapists for over 40 years. At Dentons, we aim to help every Australian enhance their sleep posture with our pillows for neck and spine support

    Ready to revolutionise your sleep quality and overall health? Shop our range of high-quality therapeutic-approved pillows. We specialise in Memory Foam pillows proudly made here in Australia, which offer neck and spine support for all kinds of sleepers and pressure point relief for those with muscular discomfort. We also supply Memorelle™ Fibre pillows that deliver gentler support for individuals with smaller frames, including children. We ship our products nationwide and offer free standard shipping for orders over $100. 

    Not sure which among our products is the best pillow for neck and spine support for you? Don’t worry — you can find our pillows at various stockists in Australia, so you can test them before buying! 

    For additional enquiries, fill out our contact form, and our customer service team will get back to you as soon as possible!

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